Author Archives for Leslie

Port Ludlow to Watmough Bay

July 22, 2022 5:42 am Published by Comments Off on Port Ludlow to Watmough Bay

Finally, we’re getting somewhere 🙂 This was my first crossing of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It went well, albeit a little dull. The air smelled of our diesel engine and the view was… Read More >

Kingston to Port Ludlow

July 21, 2022 5:38 am Published by Comments Off on Kingston to Port Ludlow

Another nice, but relatively short sail for us today to Port Ludlow. Everyone still looks so fresh! Look! The Adventuress photo bombed Buoy! Ok, spoiler alert. There are going to be a LOT of pictures… Read More >

Seattle to Kingston

July 20, 2022 2:57 am Published by Comments Off on Seattle to Kingston

I’m not typically one for sharing the ins and outs of my life online, but enough people have asked for photos and updates that I decided to remove my proverbial shell for the good of… Read More >